
Friday, September 30, 2005


A blog called Tropolism, showing great promise by New Yorker Chad Smith

who sez:

Several months ago, I began a blog entirely devoted to my love, architecture. Like Warhol's wife (his tape recorder), I am always accompanied by cities, by how the density of building (or nondensity of buildings) brings people together in new an uncanny ways, by how their materials create a beautiful new world for us to be born into. Cities have become our Second Nature.

Tropolism is for architects and city-dwellers who are critical of architectural practice, and who find beauty everywhere, sometimes in really big failures. You can count on me to find value wherever it can be found.

Tropolism is for those of us tired of reading gossip and complaining about buildings and architects. This space is a quest for ideas, suggestions, and solutions. Writing this space has revealed to me that a powerful critic, unlike an opinion columnist, filters his opinions through a much denser lens of fact. It is a kind of writing perfectly tailored to architecture itself, which is never reducible to its function, motivations, or circumstances, yet derives its power by being irrevocably twinned to these concerns.

Today I celebrate beauty, in particular the urban impact of beauty, a topic of special concern to my nascent practice. I look forward to writing New York, Los Angeles, London, or Tokyo, and in turn brightening them. Welcome, again, to Tropolism.


A tutorial on digital photo tweaking for Photoshop 7 and higher.

Beautify a Face


If it's video and it's on the web it can be found by this new search engine.
Calls itself Truveo.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Phytoestrogens-Treatment for Lung Cancer

Eating foods containing phytoestrogens – like soya products, plant oils and a range of different fruits and vegetables - appears to reduce the risk of developing lung cancer even in smokers, reveals new research out today.

In a trial comparing 1,674 patients treated for lung cancer and 1,735 healthy ‘control' volunteers, researchers from the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center found that those who reported eating the highest amount of foods containing phytoestrogens were much less likely to have developed lung cancer.

They assessed the risk of the disease to be 46 per cent lower for those with the highest phytoestrogen intake from all foods, or 21 per cent if they had a high intake of phytosterols, the components added to products to lower cholesterol.

The study's lead author, postdoctoral researcher Matthew Schabath, said it supports “a small but growing body of evidence that suggests oestrogenic-like compounds in food may help protect against development of lung and other cancers".

Late Night Jokesters

"Bush is keeping track of Hurricane Rita as it hits his home state of Texas. That's Bush's worst nightmare: an electric chair with no power."
--Jay Leno
"Hurricane Rita is supposed to make landfall in Texas, which is good for Barbara Bush because she can insult survivors closer to home."
--Bill Maher
"Yesterday President Bush made his fifth visit to the area that received the most damage from Hurricane Katrina. In other words, the White House."
--Conan O'Brien
"The president believes the government should be limited not in size, Jon, but in effectiveness. In terms of effectiveness, this is the most limited government we've ever had."
--Daily Show correspondent Rob Corddry
"Now here's some sad information coming out of Washington. According to reports, President Bush may be drinking again. And I thought, `Well, why not? He's got everybody else drinking.'"
--David Letterman


An interesting link... Apricots are the healthiest food on the planet, according to an article that lists the top 29 healthy foods. Here's the full list:

1. Apricots
2. Avocados
3. Raspberries
4. Mango
5. Cantaloupe
6. Cranberry Juice
7. Tomato
8. Raisins
9. Figs
10. Lemons/Limes
11. Onions
12. Artichokes
13. Ginger
14. Broccoli
15. Spinach
16. Bok Choy (Chinese cabbage)
17. Squash (Butternut, Pumpkin, Acorn)
18. Watercress and Arugula
19. Garlic
20. Quinoa
21. Wheat Germ
22. Lentils
23. Peanuts
24. Pinto Beans
25. Low fat Yogurt
26. Skim Milk
27. Shellfish (Clams, Mussels)
28. Salmon
29. Crab

hat tip Rising up...


Perfect new Mac blog by some one named Leander Kahney has it all. Hints and tricks, new products, a book, all one stop shopping. Check it out. Well worth a bookmark and daily visit.


A snake came to my water trough On a hot, hot day, and I in pajamas for the heat,
To drink there.

In the deep, strange-scented shade of the great dark carob-tree

I came down the steps with my pitcher

And must wait, must stand and wait,
for there he was at the trough
before me.

He reached down from a fissure in the earth-wall in the gloom

And trailed his yellow-brown slackness soft-bellied down, over the
edge of the stone trough
And rested his throat upon the stone bottom,

And where the water had dripped from the tap, in a small clearness,

He sipped with this straight mouth,

Softly drank through his straight gums, into his slick long body,

Someone was before me at my water trough,
And I, like a second-comer, waiting.

He lifted his head from his drinking as cattle do,

And looked at me vaguely, as drinking cattle do,

And flickered his two-forked tongue from his lips, and mused a moment,

And stooped amd drank a little more,

Being earth-brown, earth-golden from the burning bowels of earth

On the day of Sicilian July, with Etna smoking.

The voice of my education said to me
He must be killed,
For in Sicily, the black snakes are innocent, the gold are venomous.

And voices in me said, If you were a man,

You would take a stick and break him now, and finish him off.

But I must confess how I liked him,

How glad I was he had come like a guest in quiet, to drink at my
And depart peaceful, pacified, and thankless

Into the burning bowels of this earth?

Was it cowardice, that I dared not kill him?

Was it perversity, that I longed to talk to him?
Was it humility, to feel so honored?
I felt so honored.

And yet those voices:
If you were not afraid, you would kill him!

And truly I was afraid, I was most afraid,

But even so, honored still more

That he should seek my hospitality

From out of the dark door of the secret earth.

He drank enough

And lifted his head, dreamily, as one who has drunken,

And flickered his tongue like a forked night on the air, so black,
Seeming to lick his lips,
And looked around like a god, unseeing into the air,

And slowly turned his head,

And slowly, very slowly, as if thrice a dream

Proceeded to draw his slow length curving round

And climb again the broken bank of my wall face.

And has he put his head into that dreadful hole,

And as he slowly drew up, snake-easing his shoulders, and entered
A sort of horror a sort of protest against his withdrawing into that
horrid black hole.
Deliberately going into the blackness, and slowly drawing himself
Overcame me now his back was turned.

I looked round, I put down my pitcher,

I picked up a clumsy log

And threw it at the water-trough with a clatter.

I think it did not hit him;

But suddenly that part of him that was left behind convulsed in
undignified haste,
Writhed like lightning, and was gone

Into the black hole, the earth-lipped fissure in the wall-front

At which, in the intense still noon, I stared with fascination.

And immediately I regretted it.

I thought how paltry, how vulgar, what a mean act!

I despised myself and the voices of my accursed human education.

And I thought of the albatross,

And I wished he would come back, my snake.

For he seemed to me like a king,

Like a king in exile, uncrowned in the underworld,

Now due to be crowned again.

And so, I missed my chance with one of the lords

Of life.

And I have something to expiate:

A pettiness.

~D. H. Lawrence

hat tip and
much gratitude to
Steve Toth

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Wonderful new conspiracy theory.

Has anybody seen Kim Jong Il lately? Seriously. A recent photo? A public speech? I heard rumors that he was killed or badly wounded in the April 2004 train explosion. In November 2004 came reports of his posters starting to disappear. In January 2005 there was an unprecedented report of his posters being defaced in protest. And last week I stumbled across this: Kim Jong-il's Second Son to Inherit Dictatorial Mantle.

more at Cox & Forkum...


Tuesday is trash day.
Last Tuesday had a heck of a time pulling a thin black plastic bag out of the can heavy with trash and the suction of the can wouldn't allow release, bag ripped apart which required transfer to another bag and it hit me that a couple of holes in the bottom of the large trash can might let some air in and stop the trashing of the trash bags. Happened to have an ice pick, garbage can is plastic, pierced a couple of holes, bag right out. Googled somthing along the above lines and came up with this photo.


MARC has the most interesting site in cyber on stars and things.
Links beyond compare

Go there...


And of course it's by Google.


Google Inc. introduced a search engine Wednesday devoted to scanning blogs, the increasingly popular online journals that allow users to easily and frequently sound off about everything from politics to dating to natural disasters.

The new feature, released as a test at, is expected to give the so-called blogosphere increased visibility.

But Google's entry also poses a serious threat to the handful of small Web sites that have similar technology, such as Technorati, Feedster and IceRocket, according to analysts.

"I think Google is going to blow them out of the water," said Charlene Li, an analyst for Forrester Research. "So they need to dive into some niche and develop something other than just blog search."

Google's general search index already includes blogs. But the links to them are often buried among regular Web pages or are old.

By offering a search engine limited to blogs, Google hopes to remedy the situation. Users will be able to get fresher and more relevant information with less hassle.

Google says it has a blog index in the millions. Only blogs that offer Web feeds, a technology used to quickly disseminate new entries, are included.

more here...



from The 300 Missing Poems of Han-shan
~Mazie Lane

There are countless wizards wandering through
our bloodstreams right now, following
the stars' bidding, the pilgrimage
of blood, performing
the miracle of oxygen.

In a feat of magic beyond compare,
each one of us inhales and exhales
with nothing up our sleeves.

Everything conjures itself into
this breathing spell,
and all is changed
in the blink of a wink
by every aspiration.

Life poured some breath
into our lungs, just
the right amount.

Is it any wonder our blood
applauds this trick of oxygen?

We need petition no magician
to make us real, nor jump through hoops
for appreciative audience regard.

We're always awake where
the sorcery ends, here within
our breathless chest,
happy, silent,

Monday, September 26, 2005



These are quotes from Chapter 3, ‘Design as a Reflective Conversation with the Situation’ from the book by Donald Schön 'The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action.

Herbert Simon and others have suggested that all occupations engaged in converting actual to preferred situations are concerned with design.


[Architecture] is perhaps the oldest recognized design profession and, as such, functions as prototype for design in other professions. If there is a fundamental process underlying the differences among design professions, it is in architecture that we are most likely to find it.

Last one:

In the following pages, [...] I shall consider designing as a conversation with the materials of a situation.

A designer makes things. Sometimes he makes the final product; more often, he makes a representation—a plan, program, or image—of an artifact to be constructed by others. He works in particular situations, uses particular materials, and employs a distinctive medium and language. Typically, his making process is complex. There are more variables—kinds of possible moves, norms, and interrelationships of these—than can be represented in a finite model. Because of this complexity, the designer’s moves tend, happily or unhappily, to produce consequences other than those intended. When this happens, the designer may take account of the unintended changes he has made in the situation by forming new appreciations and understanding and by making new moves. he shapes the situation, in accordance with his initial appreciation of it, the situation “talks back,” and he responds to the situation’s back-talk.

In a good process of design, this conversation with the situation is reflective. In answer to the situation’s back-talk, the designer reflects-in-action on the construction of the problem, the strategies of action, or the model of the phenomena, which have been implicit in his moves.
Hat tip Peter Lindberg...


Been resisting passing along this site "___dRESSLAb___(a laboratory of mode + music + art)_____... for several weeks. Pure fluff, but top fluff.
A Spanish site (in English also) about style, m & f, top graphics, and be sure you carry all the software reading bells and whistles in your bag before entering. But do go and enjoy the visuals.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Com' On Peoples Now...Smile on Each Other...

If people can be educated to see the lowly side of their own natures, it may be hoped that they will also learn to understand and to love their fellow men better. A little less hypocrisy and a little more tolerance towards oneself can only have good results in respect for our neighbor; for we are all too prone to transfer to our fellows the injustice and violence we inflict upon our own natures.

~Carl Jung


Best Meet the Press with Tim Russert this morning, Sunday 25, 05, in years. Three NY Times Columnist, arguably the best three, David Brooks, right, Maureen Dowd, left, and Tom Friedman, often the middle, spoke on recent events. I'm going to just copy paste some quotes, using initials for the columnist, db, md, and tf.

But PLEASE I urge you go to the transcript, read it through, and let me know what you think.

Well, I believe 9/11 truly distorted our politics, Tim, and it gave the president and his advisers an opening to take a far hard right agenda, I believe, on taxes and other social issues, from 9/10, that was not going anywhere from 9/10, and drove it into a 9/12 world. It put the wind at his back. And Katrina brought that to an end. It put the wind in his face. And I believe that unless the president steps back now and does what I would call his own version of Nixon to China, that is, a fundamental recasting of his position and his administration, I think this is not going anywhere.

What's really struck me in the last couple of weeks is how the whole--the tectonic plates of politics in this country have all shifted to the left. That is, people on the far left who dislike the president hate him even more venomously. People in the sort of center left who, you know, weren't happy with the president, you know, now hate him. People, you know, left of center now dislike him. And people right of center now, many Republicans, I think, are wondering where is this going? So I think we've seen a fundamental shift now that the winds of Katrina are in this administration's face rather than the winds of 9/11 at its back.

tf: Well, I think there was a huge amount of projection after 9/11. We really wanted to believe, you know, that the president knew what was going on, had a plan for what was going on and how to respond to the events of 9/11 and Iraq afterwards. Because in moments of insecurity, that's a very natural thing. You want to project onto your leader. Surely he knows what's going on on WMD or any of these other things. And I think what Katrina has done, Katrina in combination with the rising deficit, in combination with an Iraq War not going well has really ripped the curtain away and we see the guy back there behind the curtain like in "The Wizard of Oz," and I think there's a lot of people now stepping back and saying, "Oh, my God. Maybe he doesn't know what's going on."

db:No. Listen, George Bush, his administration, has spent more on domestic discretionary spending, non-defense spending, twice as much as Bill Clinton, more than Lyndon Johnson. It is not what Republicans expected. I put most of the blame on Congress. But I wouldn't say--I mean, I think it's a mistake to say it's all about Bush. I sort of differ with Tom in that the party--the country has shifted left. I'd say the country has shifted in a direction where it wants authority. What 9/11 exposed was a desire to have authority, some authorities we could trust. Since 9/11, we've had a whole series of cascading authority failures: the WMD failures, the Iraq failures, the church failures, the accounting failures, now the Katrina failures, which wasn't just the failure of Bush. It was a failure up and down government.

There are agencies in Louisiana and New Orleans that were built to respond to a hurricane. This was the most anticipated natural disaster in American history and we failed on every single level. So what we've had is a whole series of institutional failures, starting with the president, but going up and down. So to me, I think there's a huge moment. I think things really--people are impatient and want to reject the president and get to something different, but I wouldn't say it's left-right. I'd say what they want is order and authority, and if I were thinking of a candidate, in a way those would be the words I'd want my candidate to project.

db: The haters. You know what? You look across the party and you see some Democrats who really are working on policy ideas. I think of John Edwards, Steny Hoyer, one of the House leaders who had a foreign policy document come out this week. But most Democrats seem to be acting as if the main problem with the country is that the country doesn't hate George Bush enough. And if we only shout louder, they'll hate him more like tourists in Paris who think they'll understand us if we scream a little louder. And to me, it's led to the brain death of the Democratic Party. I don't know where the party stands on Iraq. I don't know where it stands on entitlement spending. On issue after issue, I really don't know where that party stands. So we're having a joint race to the bottom here between the two parties, and I think the result is what you're seeing is a dealignment. Voters flaking off the Republicans but not going over to the Democrats. They're just sort of stuck and floating in the middle. Stan Greenberg, Bill Clinton's old pollster, called them dislodged voters. And to me, that means the '08 election is gonna look very different than the '04 or '00.

md: Well, Hillary's plan has been to lay back and not lead and just let everyone else, all the other Democrats, you know, have stronger voices. But the minute she announces, she's going to have to have a plan about how to get rid of Iraq. I mean, she's actually suggested maybe we should send in more troops and she better have a Nixon-esque secret plan or I think she's in trouble. But I think that, you know, for the Democrats, the problem is that Katrina exposed the incompetence of Iraq and Americans were able to see them on a split screen and the same exact problems existed. They were warned by experts before they went in. They blew it off. They failed to send enough troops early enough to stop the law and order and chaos problems. Then they gave all the no-bid contracts to Halliburton and staffed everything with incompetent Bush loyalists and cronies. So the public can see that this administration has always been incompetent, but the Democrats aren't in a position to take advantage of it because they went along with Bush on authorizing a war based on false premises.

md: Also, Tim, Hillary is going to have to answer the question about why she voted for an invasion that ended up curbing women's rights. I mean, it's not good enough to have women's rights the way we had them 218 years ago with our Constitution which is what they're saying and...

russert: Allowing Islam to be the prevailing religion in the state and allowing husbands to take cases to religious courts.

md: Right. I mean, that's what all the experts predicted and Hillary voted for it anyway.

And much much more here...

The questions and answers pointed and provocative throughout. Read the Transcript.


Or a least on my block.
An Independent, self described moderate blogger named Joe Gandelman has an astonishing blog, The Moderate Voice. The astonishing part is the massive collection of primarily political links, with a few general type blogs thrown in for good measure, and these blogs are indexed as moonbat (left), wing nut (right) and lukewarms (middle). Check it out. Today he weighs in on (shudder) Frist, titled "A Fristfull of Trouble". Worth a read.
Hat tip Sully...

It is the fruit that makes the tree bow low.

Bowl of Saki, by Hazrat Inayat Khan

Commentary by Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan:

Spiritual attainment is not a thing to be brought before people to
prove that it is real, or as a show. What is real is proof in itself, what is beyond all price or value does not need to be made much of before people. What is real is real, and the precious is precious in itself: it needs no explanation, nor pleading. The greatest lesson of mysticism is to know all, gain all, attain all things and be silent. The more the disciple gains, the more humble he becomes, and when any person makes this gain a means of proving himself in any way superior to others, it is a proof that he does not really possess it. He may have a spark within himself, but the torch is not yet lighted. There is a saying among the Hindus that the tree that bears much fruit bows low. As Amir says, 'He who has lost his limited self, he it is who has attained the High Presence.' Do we not forget ourselves when we behold the vision of beauty? If we are blind to beauty we cannot see it, and then we cannot forget ourselves in the beauty and sublimity of the vision. But when we perceive the beauty of nature, we bow our head in love and admiration. As a poet said of nature, 'I cannot study you, for you are too great, you are too beautiful. The only thing left for me to do is to bow my head in prostration at your feet.' A true worshipper of God sees His presence in all forms, and thus in respecting others he respects God. It may even develop to such an extent that the true worshipper of God, the Omnipresent, walks gently on the earth, bowing in his heart even to every tree and plant, and it is then that the worshipper forms a communion with the Divine Beloved at all times.

hat tip Steve Toth


A natural Southwest plant which is beautiful in bloom and the form of the plant pre-bloom is wonderful also. This Fall showpiece is the Helianthus mazimilliana 'Santa Fe', or Maximillan's Sunflower. This member of the sunflower family blooms in September, along with the Chamisa and the Purple Aster, and as it comes out of dormancy in the Spring and gains height, it takes on the shape of the Egyptian Nile River papyrus. Unfortunately no photo is available without the blooms. More information is available through the HIGH COUNTRY GARDENS catalogue of the top Santa Fe greenhouse, oddly enough named The Santa Fe Greenhouse, always the winner of “The Best of Santa Fe" in the plant nursery category.

Another classic favorite is the red blooming Texas sage,
Salvia greggii, a common evergreem bush from the Texas plans with the flowers being a favorite food provider for Hummingbirds. Drought tolerant, as are the other two plants, this sage begins it's blooming in early summer. The first plant coming into my consciousness as a child, it being the only plant growing in Mrs. Wheeler's yard, an across the street neighbor and a good friend spry, bright, and in her 90's.

The third plant is a plant I've seen for several years, but it was only a few weeks ago when I saw it planted in a large grouping with Texas sage and chamisa, that I realized what an astoundingly beautiful plant it is. The plant is the gaura lindheimeri, Whirling Butterflies, or Wand Flower. I Googled photos of it, didn't come close to doing it justice, tried to photograph it myself with the same results, and settled on a photo from SF Greenhouse. The body of the plant is sparse grass like and the beauty are the long stems with one butterfly looking bloom at it's tip. Spectacular when planted in large groupings of 10 or more.
Whats striking about this plant is that these flowers at the tips of the plant do indeed appear from a distance to be small butterflies circling a plant. Breathtaking.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Erase that Hard Drive

A friend was talking about donating his old desktop to a charity but was concerned about deleting files which certain sensitive information, and the discussion was how to delete these files forever short of removing the hard drive and driving over it a few times. I didn't really have an answer, but this information has just come my way.

The Windows Recycle Bin is not the end for your deleted files. In fact, deleted files linger even after you've emptied the Recycle Bin. That information could be recovered and read by someone else with just a little savy.

When you delete a file, it's space on the hard drive is essentially marked "this space available." The file remains on your hard drive. But Windows considers it forgotten and will reuse the space whenever necessary. Only then will the deleted information be destroyed.

But there's no telling when Windows will use that space for something else. It could be seconds, minutes, days, weeks, or months. So the deleted information could hang around quite awhile. Fortunately, there are tools to help ensure that deleted files are truly gone. They're commonly called shredders.

These overwrite deleted files with random, meaningless data. In addition, they can be used for everyday deletion of files. When shredders are used to delete files, the files are gone for good.

There are a lot of shredders available on the Web. You might even find one that's free. Of course, I've already found one for you. It's simply named Eraser, and you can get it at:
Good luck

hat tip Kim Komando


The political cartoonists Cox & Forkum, staunches of the out front Moderate Republicans, are indicative of the split beginning across the blogsphere between the Republicans awakening awareness of the trouble we as a country just could be in.

Some "Good Will Come" if "Climate Loonies" Wake Up

"Increasingly it looks like a smoking gun. It's a fair conclusion to draw that global warming, caused to a substantial extent by people, is driving increased sea surface temperatures and increasing the violence of hurricanes," says Sir John Lawton, chairman of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution. "If this makes the climate loonies in the States realise we've got a problem, some good will come out of a truly awful situation."
Thanks to CrawfordsList


An email today to Sully, new affectionate name for Andrew Sullivan, one of the earliest of the political bloggers and an early gay Republican moving more and more toward the middle if not the left, bemoaning the issue of energy, well, here's the email...

EMAIL OF THE DAY: "Scratching my head about Rita and the economy at the same time, I came across a revealing picture. Why are oil prices so high? Hurricanes? Iraq? Unrest in Nigeria maybe? Or could it be the fact that every single vehicle but one in this picture is an SUV or a truck?"

The link is to the NYTimes, Headline reading “Texans Leave Houston and Coast as Hurricane Rita Moves Closer” and the photo stored at Flickr. NYTimes archives their articles after 3 days, then charges to access. The telltale photo HERE.



With apologies for a bit of a jarring at the end.
and hat tip and thanks to my friend
Anna Ruiz

Friday, September 23, 2005


Today is Bruce Springsteen's birthday, 56, thank you.

But what's with this poster of a T-shirt about, any one with any ideas?
if my memory serves me, in his heyday Boss's booty was a
well filled out one, certainly not this flat job..

And you've got to learn to live with what you can't rise above..."
Bruce Springsteen
Tunnel of love


It was inevitable that someone would come up with a strategy to stop Iran, China and other repressive countries from censoring anti government bloggers. Everyone thought the breakthrough programs would come from maverick hackers from someone deep in Russia, but no, a Country has stepped in to help these bloggers stay out of prison. That country is France. More power to them.
More here...

Thursday, September 22, 2005


Gay british naval officers Lieut. Rolf Kurth (left)
and Lieut. Commander Craig A. Jones spoke in
Washington on the issue of gays serving openly
in the military. (Read More)


Even Among Conservatives, "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Undermines Public Support for Military
SANTA BARBARA, CA, September 15, 2005 - The Pentagon's practice of prohibiting homosexuals from serving openly in the armed forces makes more people embarrassed by the military than proud of it, according to a new University of California poll. According to the poll, 24.2 percent of respondents said that the policy makes them embarrassed by the military while 17.5 percent said that the policy makes them proud. Fifty-six percent said that the policy has no impact on their feelings about the military.

Conservatives were heavily over-represented in the pool of respondents because the sample was designed to match the characteristics of a cohort of new military recruits. Among respondents to the survey, 53.1 percent were Republicans, 29.8 percent were independent/other, and 17 percent were Democrats; 81.6 percent were male and 18.4 percent were female; and all were between the ages of 18 and 24. These characteristics closely match the profile of a cohort of new military recruits.

The survey was designed by the Center for the Study of Sexual Minorities in the Military, a research institute at the University of California, Santa Barbara, to test how the gay ban is perceived among individuals who the military seeks to recruit. According to Aaron Belkin, Director of the Center, "The fact that even conservatives are embarrassed by the gay ban suggests that the policy is harmful to the military's reputation."



Over recent months the major TV broadcast networks, ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox, along with the cable 24 hour news delivery, CNN, FOX, MSNBC, and CNN Headline News, have been adding gifted news reporters, both male and female who will provide the talent for the headlining roster of the TV news
personalities of tomorrow.

As has been apparent in recent years, the classic star anchor slots of broadcast news since televisions beginnings are being phased out with the weakening of the major broadcast primetime evening time slots viewship as the numbers decrease and viewing age increases. Slowly the news focus is moving to the 24 hour cable news lead since it's groundbreaking inception by CNN in 1980 and the subsequent addition of Fox and MSNBC, and also the last 2 years or so increasingly to the internet, as Google news and other pure news sites are competing with the ever-increasing blogs. And the millions of office workers interested in ground news or political news click on their favorite recorded TV news shows on the internet, or news blogs, and leaving work and upon arriving home, switching on the 5 o'clock news is the last thing on their minds as they get on with their busy post work home life.

In this rapidly changing world of handsome and bright young men and women, not quite actors, not quite models, not quite writers, but a bit of all, and fast on their feet. Six men stand out. All six recent arrivals. Four news reporters and anchors, and two political commentators. All single. All in their forties. All never married. All with very private lives outside the media limelight.

Anderson Cooper
A great reputation for being an all around good guy born with a silver spoon, and a friend of Andrew Sullivan.
"Anderson was born on June 3, 1967 to prominent socialite/writer/designer Gloria Vanderbilt and author Wyatt Cooper. He grew up in New York City and graduated from Yale University with a degree in Political Science in 1989.
In 1992, Anderson began working for the news show Channel One, designed to air in junior high and high school classrooms, as a fact checker. His on-air break came when he moved to Vietnam to study Vietnamese language at the University of Hanoi. Persuading Channel One to allow him to bring a Hi-8 camera with him, Anderson soon began filming and assembling reports of Vietnamese life and culture that aired on Channel One. His career had been launched. After Vietnam, Cooper's unforgettable stories from such places as Somalia, Bosnia, Iran, and the Ukraine made students actually pay attention to Channel One.

In 1995, the young reporter, a veteran at 28, signed a contract with ABC News, making him the network's youngest correspondent. Anderson's reports brought an intimacy and approachability the evening news had lacked before, a quality which made him an ideal occasional guest anchor for ABC's overnight broadcast, World News Now. He became the permanent, quasi-official World News Now anchor in September 1999. In fall 2000, he stepped down to serve as host of ABC's acclaimed reality show, "The Mole". He returned to journalism in 2001 with an anchor spot on CNN's "American Morning with Paula Zahn" and can now be seen on a variety of CNN programs, including "Newsnight with Aaron Brown". After completing his hosting duties on the second season of "The Mole", Anderson left the show to focus more on his work at CNN, where we hope to see him more in perhaps a show of his very own. Anderson now lives in New York City with his dog, Ozzie. Thanks to TriPod.

Since September 8, 2003, he has anchored Anderson Cooper 360°, a slick weeknight news program on the CNN television network.

A very comprehensive biography can be found at WikiPeda. A must read.

Dan Abrams

The second anchor with his popular MSNBC hour long prime time ABRAMS REPORT, a one man show featuring the legal aspects of the daily news, is the son of the famous first-amendment lawyer, Floyd Abrams.

"NBC News Chief Legal Correspondent Dan Abrams hosts “The Abrams Report,” weeknights on MSNBC.

Abrams joined NBC News as a general assignment correspondent based in New York in 1997. A former Court TV reporter and anchor, Abrams has continued his legal reporting at NBC News covering legal stories for “NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams,” “Today” and “Dateline NBC.” He has covered all of the highest-profile trials of the past decade, including the Bush v. Gore post-election legal battles, President Clinton’s impeachment trial, the Oklahoma City Bombing Trials and Appeals, and as of late the Scott Peterson trial and the legal issues associated with the war on terror.

Prior to joining NBC News, Abrams served as an anchor and reporter for Court TV. During his tenure, he covered the O.J. Simpson murder trial from Los Angeles, the International War Crimes trial from The Hague, Netherlands, and the assisted-suicide trails of Dr. Jack Kevorkian from Detroit and Pontiac, Michigan.

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Hemmer was involved in a strange demotion at CNN this July, reasons not publically known, demoteing him. He soon announced that he would be going to Fox mid September.

For the past 10 years, Hemmer worked as an anchor and correspondent at CNN where he most recently co-hosted "American Morning." While there, he also anchored "CNN Live Today" and "CNN Tonight." Earlier this year, he reported live from Rome and Vatican City on the death of Pope John Paul II and in 2004 he covered both the Democratic and Republican conventions and served as one of CNN’s prime-time anchors on election night.

style="font-family: verdana;">In 2003, Hemmer traveled to Kuwait to report on escalating tensions in Iraq and remained on-site to cover Operation Iraqi Freedom when the war began. Prior to that, he reported from Ground Zero in the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks and, shortly after, traveled to Jerusalem to provide live coverage on tensions in the Middle East. Hemmer also reported live from Tallahassee, Florida for 37 straight days during the election 2000 recount.

During his stint at CNN, Hemmer also covered Hurricanes Ivan (2004), Jeanne (2004) and Floyd (1999) from Florida. In 1998, he spent more than a month covering the crisis in Kosovo, where he reported on the aerial bombing missions from Aviano Air Base in Italy, he refugee crisis from Skopje, Macedonia, and on the latest NATO developments from Brussels.

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Adam Housley

Adam Housley joined Fox News Channel (FNC) in 2001 as a Los Angeles-based correspondent. Most recently, Housley was seen in and around Thailand providing extensive on-site coverage in the wake of the Southeast Asia tsunami tragedy.

During his tenure, Housley has been FNC’s lead reporter for Arnold Schwarzenegger’s 2003 campaign and has covered the trials of Robert Blake and Winona Ryder. He also reported during Operation Iraqi Freedom from Kuwait, Iraq, Bahrain and the Persian Gulf.

Prior to joining FNC, Housley served as a reporter at KTXL-TV (FOX) in Sacramento, California from 1999-2001, where he received an array of awards including the 2001 Regional Associated Press Reporting Award and a Regional Emmy Award. In addition, he was the lead reporter for KFTY-TV, an independent station in Santa Rosa, California, from 1998-2000. Before that, Housley was a live reporter for KCPM-TV (NBC) in Chico, California from 1997-98, where he won a Department of Forestry Award for capturing a wanted acre arsonist.

Housley began his career as a reporter for KVON-KVYN radio in Napa, California, where he developed and produced newscasts. Prior to his career in television, Housley played professional baseball and was drafted by the Montreal Expos and played for both the Milwaukee Brewers and the Detroit Tigers organizations. A graduate of Pepperdine University, Housley received Bachelor degrees in both political science and telecommunications.
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Dana Milbank

Born: c. 1968

Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Journalist

Level of fame: Niche
Executive summary: Washington Post White House reporter

"The most hated man in the White House press corps."

In July 2001, Milbank filed a pool report which managed to incense the White House. The summary of the President's morning, never meant to be read by the general public, was then leaked to National Review who promptly published the thing in an effort to shame the reporter. Instead, Milbank responded by producing a series of even more grandiloquent memos.

A member of Yale's secret society Skull and Bones, in March 2004 Milbank allegedly confided to Washington gossip columnist Lloyd Grove: "I have been assigned to monitor all secret hand signals during the debates. [...] I have it on good information that if this one gets tied up in a recount, Potter Stewart will return from the grave to write the majority opinion."

Wife: (unknown)

University: BA, Yale University (1990)

The Washington Post
The New Republic 1998-
The Wall Street Journal 1990-98
Skull and Bones Society
Recently ended an interview re Chief Justice SCOTUS Williams, "...a comb over with blue contacts." Ouch.

Craig Crawford


Craig Crawford is a columnist and special contributor for Congressional Quarterly.

For the past six years, Crawford has run The Hotline, a daily online political briefing published by the National Journal Group. Previously he was a reporter for the Orlando Sentinel, where he covered political campaigns throughout the South. Crawford was the newspaper’s Washington bureau chief from 1989 to 1997. Before becoming a journalist, he served in 1984 as the Alabama State Field Director for the John Glenn presidential primary campaign, and the Georgia State Field Director for the Mondale/Ferraro general election campaign.

Not any other biographical information about Craig. Only child, and very close with mother, often speaks of her. Also no web pics. Recently Craig is on MSNBC almost daily as a a freelance political commentator, and apparently well liked with a wicked and sharp sense of humor.
A new blog, CrawfordsList, and a new book, ATTACK THE MESSENGER


Where have I been since 2003 when this new? word was voted most useful word of year by the American Dialect Society.

"There’s so many reasons that people are Vegetarians ... I find that nobody ever gives me a hard time when I say I usually eat Vegetarian. But I really like sausage,” Pugh said.
In recent years the market for Vegetarian friendly foods has exploded, with items such as soy milk and veggie burgers showing up in mainstream groceries and fast food restaurants.
But even the diet’s activists say that growth can’t be attributed to committed Vegetarians, who are estimated at about 3 percent of the adult U.S. population, or about 5.7 million people never eating meat, poultry or seafood.
Charles Stahler, co-director of the Baltimore-based Vegetarian Resource Group, credits the growth to flexitarians — Vegetarians who dabble in meat and carnivores who seek out Vegetarian meals.
“This is why Burger King has a veggie burger. It’s not because of us,” he said. “The true vegetarians wouldn’t rush to Burger King anyway. It’s because of those people in the middle. They are the driving audience.”
Though flexitarian headcounts are imprecise, Stahler estimates roughly 30 percent to 40 percent of the population at least occasionally seeks out Vegetarian meals.
Room for flexibility.
Suzanne Havala Hobbs, a nutrition professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, credits the growth of flexitarianism to the nation’s better understanding of the diet-disease connection.
“Whether you make a commitment to eating strictly vegetarian or not, cutting back your dependence on meat is something most people acknowledge they know they should do,” she said."
read on...
thanks to


The burgeoning world energy crisis, that specifically of oil and electricity, and these two energies growing effect on the World Environment-globel warming and other eco issues, Relations of the West with the Arab world, Poverty of 3rd world countries, and the overall World Economy, just to list the three primarys and most dangerous threat to the Earths survival, these issues and many others, all caused by the World's addiction to petroproducts.

Thirsty Gator over at Daily Kos, (largest readership on the net, and THE major lefty blogger)has brought together several bloggers and columnist of like thinking and come up with a powerful idea. He quotes Tom Friedman, author of the The World is Flat, and other writers and proposes a MASSIVE enegry PROJECT by our national government, along the lines of the moon expedition, the New Deal, or even say WWll, as the answer to this looming potentially disastrous crisis. If George Bush embraced this in a really big way, I swear I'd vote for him this November.

Hear ThirstyGator ...

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

MOVIES? NEWSPAPERS? Over, Gone, Kaput !

And anyone who has been following the media and entertainment aspects of pop culture over the last 2, 3 years has seen the handwriting on the screen. The NYTimes just laid off 500 employees, and India is now out producing the US for the world market and with smaller countries uping their production.
John Dvorak who does a column for PC Magazine has an on target take which no one else will even get near.

Here's the beginning of his column in which he discusses movies, then later in the column wades in on newsprint.

There are two important institutions that are about to be decimated by technology: newspapers and movies. It won't be pretty.

The biggest impact technology has had on any social institution is moviegoing. I think moviegoing is doomed to die off slowly unless Hollywood can come up with a reasonable new experience. As it now stands, I can feed an HDTV signal into a standard Toshiba LCD projector through the composite video ports and blow out a 100-inch 16:9 image on a screen and get a theater experience in the home. With progressive scan or line-doubling DVD players, the experience is phenomenal. Use a DLP theater projector or a large-screen plasma display, and you're in heaven.

So why do I now want to go to the theater? Do I want to go because it's more expensive than a DVD rental? Do I want to go for the greasy popcorn coated with trans-fat butter-flavored oil? Do I want to go so I can hear cell phones going off all over the place and people yakking on them? Do I want to go because most of the movies aren't shown on large screens at all, but in boxcar-sized rooms with screens not much bigger than my projector screen at home? Do I want to go because the sound is turned too loud and pumped through a mediocre audio system?

The only reason you may want to go is if you can see the big-screen version of the movie and the movie has big-screen impact. In Europe and Asia they still have massive theaters with screens as huge as the ones in the old American drive-ins, a real event and a real group experience. In the United States this is rare, the exception in most instances. Somewhere along the line the economics of movie distribution changed and all these multiplex theaters cropped up. The grand palace was done. Most have shut down or have been transformed into old-fashioned stage/concert theaters.

The movie business has been impinged upon a couple of times. The first was by radio and the entertainment that radio drama provided. Adding sound to movies was an easy fix. When television came along, the movie folks rolled out Cinemascope and wide screens. Other gimmicks such as Cinerama, 70-mm film, and IMAX added to the reasons to get out of the house.

Read on here...

hat tip Andrew Sullivan


The software most commonly used by both business and private individuals to exchange large files on the internet is something called Portable Document Format file, or PDF. Often this format is used to downstream information from a website and most all of us have a PDF reader, which is free, to decipher the incoming information, but upstream requires the PDF software, which is rather expensive. One of several advantages of PDF over, say, an attachment in email, is the retention of formatting and fonts among other pluses. Emailing a scanned document will appear downstream as a crazy thing with margins and fonts unrecognizable. In addition, a document, say an application for employment can be sent back and forth between two people working on the same document and then sent to the destination keeping it’s original format. Now a company, is offering a PDF lite, and FREE. Follow the easy instructions and save a lota bucks.
hat tip kim kommando




Cheney died a natural death - on the phone with Halliburton.


A wonderful half day trip from Santa Fe is a large 60 acre family owned orchard named Dixon Apples. Situated in a picturesque canyon in the foothills of the Jemez Mountains, the apple ranch is open for sales toward the end of September and is one of the true treasure sites of Northern NM. The Dixon Family has owned the orchard since 1943, and have developed two of the best eating apples available on the market, The Champagne, and The Sparkling Burgundy, which always sell as quickly as they ripen. Their small web site has a bit of their history, a description of their apples, and a map to the Ranch.
Spread a blanket by the stream, unpack a picnic lunch, open the jug of cider you've purchased with your apples, and enjoy a beautiful afternoon at Dixon Farms.


Decided to do my own taste test on apples and picked up one each of the selection of snacking apples offered by the local Whole Foods here in Santa Fe. I'll list the apples starting with the worst and ending with the best. I didn't include the cooking apples, Granny Smith, Baldwin, Jonathan, and Rome, (although Rome is one I don't mind as a snacking apple.) A good apple site.

Red Delicious-The worst. Mealy, soft, no taste. Nearly inedible.
Golden Delicious
-Not much better, slightly more taste and firmer texture.
The next group of apples were very close in the characterastics which IMO make a good snacking apple, with one apple, a new one at least to me, being slightly overall a better apple. These apples I would give a "very good" rateing.

Fuji, Gala, Braeburn, Winesap and Jonagold were all good snacking apples. But the apple slightly crisper, taster, being both tart and sweet, is the apple which I was not familar, THE HONEY CRISP. Ta Da. Winner.

The Honey Crisp

Search For Self Called Off After 38 Years

CHICAGO—The longtime search for self conducted by area man Andrew Speth was called off this week, the 38-year-old said Monday. "I always thought that if I kept searching and exploring, I'd discover who I truly was," said Speth from his Wrigleyville efficiency. "Well, I looked deep into the innermost recesses of my soul, I plumbed the depths of my subconscious, and you know what I found? An empty, windowless room the size of an aircraft hangar. From now on, if anybody needs me, I'll be sprawled out on this couch drinking black-cherry soda and watching Law & Order like everybody else."
Thanks to the Onion

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Sept. 13 (Bloomberg) -- Toyota Motor Corp., the world's second-largest automaker, said all of its vehicles may eventually be run by hybrid gasoline-electric motors, as record fuel prices curb demand for conventional automobiles. Toyota, the world's first and largest maker of so-called hybrid cars, said it's aiming to increase hybrid production by 60 percent in 2006 and will cut costs and prices to make them more affordable. ``In the future, the cars you see from Toyota will be 100 percent hybrid,'' Toyota Executive Vice President Kazuo Okamoto said in Frankfurt, declining to give a time for achieving the target. ``We believe that in 10 years the world will be filled with hybrids.'' Toyota has sold 425,000 hybrid cars since 1997 and is trying to profit from its edge over General Motors Corp. and Ford Motor Co. in the technology. President Katsuaki Watanabe said he aims to halve the premium in price of hybrids over conventional vehicles ``at the earliest possible stage.''
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Life is consciousness and all forms of life, to differing degrees, have consciousness. But only human beings have the miraculous capacity to be aware of consciousness itself. This capacity for self-reflective awareness or Self-consciousness, in the context of fourteen billion years of development, is a very recent emergence. Now, the First Cause, the creative principle, the evolutionary impulse, the God-impulse is just beginning to become aware of itself directly, as consciousness itself. Indeed, the energy and intelligence that created the universe is only able to know itself directly through the awakening human. The mythical God has fallen out of the sky and is re-emerging in the human self as the light of consciousness, as the creative impulse or the urge to become. And I believe our future depends upon more on more of us being willing to bear the overwhelming implications of this realization and take responsibility for it.

Andrew Cohen
August 2005

Andrew Cohen Homepage
The Magazine


New acute and chronic insomnia treatment non habit forming. Rozerem will not be a controlled substance, and no prescription will be needed.

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