
Monday, April 04, 2005


Ike just filled up the world around him. Always knew he was some kinda magician masquerading as a pup. The best argument for the transmigration of souls I've ever seen. Not to mention being the most charming (and sexiest) pooch ever. Big sadness here. Big tears. Glad to have known him -- what a privilege. Lucky you to have had such good company along the way. And lucky him to have had you. Hate the idea of him gone, and you without him. I'm with you on this one . . . you and the Izzy. Be gentle and take care and probably stay away from polling places and like venues for the meantime. Tell the cat tea parties won't be half as exciting without Ike there to bust up the fun.

O my o my o my . . . .

Originally posted by Igniculi

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