
Friday, September 02, 2005



Oblivious screenshotto human conflict, birds go about the ancient patterns of their lives. Soldiers, however, can afford neither obliviousness nor ancient patterns, especially members of the United States military stationed in Iraq. "J," the blogger behind Birding Babylon, is both a U.S. soldier and a devoted observer of avian life. On his first day in Iraq, he was struck by the number of birds he saw -- and identified 26 species. Over the next 18 months, J managed to observe and identify many feathered friends. At times, his experience seems surreal; once, while fully armed and guarding his convoy, he couldn't help but notice a pair of crested larks nearby. Now that he's home, he hasn't given up his obsession, and continues to research and write about wildlife in Iraq. Perhaps, like J, we all could learn something from the birds.
Thanks to Yahoo Tips.

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